SLM Spanish

SLM Spanish

Hosted by: Jacob & Diego

Join Jacob and Diego on their quest to get Jacob to conversational Spanish as fast as possible

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21. Más vale que termines tus tareas!

In this weeks' episode, Diego goes to Serbia, Jacob joins an improv comedy course, and we learn how to say "get to", "happen to", "had better" and "might as well" in Spanish! --- Grammar Leaflet: Click...
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20. Me permites presentarte a mi amiga?

In this week's episode, Jacob pays an Uber driver to carry a TV to his flat, Diego moves around a lot in Poland, and we learn how to use "permitir" and "fijarse"! --- Grammar Leaflet: Click...
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19. Lo habrĂ­a comprado, si hubiera tenido dinero

In this weeks’ episode, Jacob and Diego are finally back in person and talk about what Jacob thought of such a long trip, discuss Diegos plans in Poland, and learn the three ways to say "I would have done" in...
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18. Me hice amigo de la gente del bar!

In this week's episode, Jacob talks about his time in Hawaii and Mexico, Diego gives some updates on his life plans, and we learn how to say “to have someone do something” in Spanish! --- Grammar Leaflet: Click...
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17. ¿Te importa decirme con quién viajas?

In this week's episode, Diego talks about his travellers lifestyle and how he makes friends in new places, Jacob talks about his nightmare train journey, and we learn how to say "do you mind my asking" in...
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16. PasĂł de totalmente sobrio a borracho en tres tragos

In this week's episode, Jacob talks about his crazy motorbike journey across Australia, Diego talks about his life as a Spanish teachers in Chile, and we learn how to use "volver a" to say we did something again! Free...
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15. Wena weĂłn!

In this weeks' episode, Jacob shares his crazy plan to visit Diego's mum, we learn how to say "by the time + verb" in Spanish, and learn how to use the awesome Chilean word "hueón"! You can download our grammar...
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14. Tenía más frío que la mierda

In this weeks' episode, Jacob and Diego talk about motorbikes, learn how to say "I was cold AF", and discuss all the ways to say "lie down/sit down/stand up" etc :D You can download our grammar leaflet for free, learn...
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13. Puedo unirme a tu club de lectura?

In our first Australian episode, Jacob and Diego discuss why Jacob doesn't like Bali, learn how to say "I get the feeling that..." and learn all the difference ways to say "join" in Spanish!  You can download our...
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12. Mi cerebro está en modo checo

In this weeks' episode, Jacob and Diego discuss Australia, how to say "I agree", talk about modes and have a great old time. You can download our grammar leaflet for free, learn everything you need on our YouTube...
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Bonus Episode: Atrapado entre dos latinas

In today's special bonus episode, Jacob is joined by Lissette and Maria, and finds out that he apparently isn't ready for a Latina lady, we play "nunca nunca", and get low-key wasted on Jacob's home-made cocktail. You...
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11. Jacob & Maria

In this weeks' episode, Jacob is joined by Maria and talk about terrible jeans and other things.  You download our grammar leaflet for free, learn everything you need on our YouTube channel, and find all the vocab...
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