31. ¿Qué haces justo antes de dormirte?

In this week's Conversation Time, Jacob and Diego talk about Diego's family coming to Europe and Jacob's dream of a life without a phone. Then in Question Time, Jacob learns how to use "vine a" and "dejar", and we finish off with Leaflet Time in which we learn how to say the Spanish version of "I was like" to report our conversations and thoughts in Spanish!


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Dormirse -> to fall asleep

Ayudar a + infinitive -> to help someone do something 

Quedar -> to be left (to someone)

Justo antes de + (infinitive) -> just before doing something

Pasar (tiempo) + haciendo algo -> to spend time doing something

Enfermedad -> disease

Depender de algo -> to depend de algo

Depender de algo - to depend de algo

Forma/estilo de vida -> lifestyle

Los cincuenta, los ochenta, los sesenta -> the 50s/80s/70s

Comportarse -> to act / to behave

Ni mucho menos -> let alone

Planes de viaje -> travel plans

Capacitar -> to train

Planear + infinitive -> to plan on doing

Estar de vuelta con + noun -> we’re back with