28. Iba a pedirle la mano, pero me asusté!
In this week's Conversation Time, Jacob and Diego talk about getting infected at a karaoke event. Then in Question Time, Jacob learns how to talk about flushing toilets and rejecting people! Hope you enjoy!
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Contagiarse -> to catch (an illness)]
Agarrar un resfrío -> to catch a cold
Espérame / dame un momentito -> wait a sec
Sigamos con -> let's move on to
Tirar la cadena -> to flush the toilet
Me siento como la mierda -> I feel like sh*t
Devolver -> to give back
Asustarse -> to get scared
Asustar a alguien -> to scare someone
Involucrarse / meterse -> to get involved
Involucrar a alguien -> to involve someone
Rechazar -> to turn down / to reject