25. Viajes borrachos de Año Nuevo y haciendo preguntas

In this week's Conversation Time, Jacob and Diego share their New Years' stories, including how Jacob drunkenly got on a 12 hour night bus to Germany. Then in Leaflet Time, we focus on how to make more advanced questions in Spanish. Hope you enjoy!


Grammar Leaflet: Click Here

Google Vocab Sheet: Click Here

YouTube Channel: Click Here

Give us a Google Review: Click Here



  •  Tanto como pude -> as much as possible
  •  El veintinueve de diciembre -> the 29th of December
  •  Directo a -> straight to (a place)
  •  En qué fecha? -> what date?
  •  Mi amiga me escribió -> my friend messaged me
  •  Encontrarse con -> to meet up with
  •  Me da la impresión que -> I get the feeling that
  •  Celebrar -> to celebrate
  •  A qué te dedicas? -> what do you do? (what is your job)